Health Law Partnership

If you need HeLP / Si necesita a HeLP

If your child is in the care of a Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta or satellite office (of Egleston, Scottish Rite, Hughes Spalding or the Center for Advanced Pediatrics), please complete the form below and someone from the Health Law Partnership (HeLP) will be in touch with you soon.
IMPORTANT: If your child is not a patient of Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, please see the list of resources below that should be able to help you get the attention you need.   
Si su hijo/a está bajo el cuidado de Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta o una oficina satélite (Egleston, Scottish Rite, Hughes Spalding o el Centro de Pediatría Avanzada), por favor complete el siguiente formulario y alguien de Health Law Partnership (HeLP) estará en contacto con usted prontamente.
IMPORTANTE: Si su hijo/a no es paciente de Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, por favor consulte la lista de recursos que se encuentra al final de este formulario para ayudarle a encontrar la asistencia que necesita.

What is the best time to contact you by phone? / ¿Cuál es el mejor horario para contactarle por teléfono?

Where is your child receiving care? / ¿Dónde recibe cuidado su hijo/a?

How did you hear about HeLP? / ¿Dónde recibe cuidado su hijo/a?

What is your most urgent need? / ¿Cuál es su necesidad más urgente?

8 + 12 =

NOTE: By submitting this form, you acknowledge that it does not mean you are guaranteed the right to receive legal services from HeLP or any other related entity, and that communication from HeLP to you about your inquiry does not constitute an attorney/client relationship. The information in this form will be kept confidential except as is necessary for contact purposes.

NOTA: Al enviar este formulario, usted reconoce que el mismo no le garantiza el derecho a recibir servicios legales de HeLP ni de cualquier otra entidad relacionada, y que la comunicación de HeLP con usted sobre su consulta no constituye una relación de abogado y cliente. La información en este formulario será confidencial excepto en lo necesario para propósitos de contactarle.

Scottish Rite / Main HeLP office

Children’s at Scottish Rite


Children’s at Egleston

Hughes Spalding

Children’s at Hughes Spalding

Center for Advanced Pediatrics

Center for Advanced Pediatrics

Not receiving care by Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta? Try these resources:

¿No recibe cuidado de Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta? Intente estos recursos:

Atlanta Legal Aid
Georgia Legal Services Program
Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation
DeKalb Pro Bono

Atlanta Legal Aid Society, Inc.


ALAS provides free legal services to low-income individuals in various areas including family law, housing, public benefits, consumer issues, and more.

ALAS provee servicios legales gratuitos a individuos con bajos ingresos en varias áreas, incluyendo derecho de familia, vivienda, beneficios públicos, asuntos del consumidor y más.

Georgia Legal Services Program


GLSP offers free legal services in civil matters to low-income Georgians who live outside metro Atlanta. They handle cases related to housing, public benefits, family law, and more.

GLSP ofrece servicios legales gratuitos en asuntos civiles a habitantes de Georgia con bajos ingresos que viven fuera de Atlanta metropolitana. Manejan casos relacionados a vivienda, beneficios públicos, derecho de familia y más.

Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation


AVLF offers free legal services and advice in areas such as housing, family law, consumer protection, and more.

AVLF ofrece servicios legales gratuitos y asesoramiento en áreas tales como vivienda, derecho de familia, protección al consumidor y más.

DeKalb Pro Bono


DeKalb Pro Bono provides free legal services to DeKalb County residents in the areas of bankruptcy, child custody and support, divorce, domestic violence, and tenant issues.

DeKalb Pro Bono provee servicios legales gratuitos a residentes de DeKalb County en las áreas de bancarrota, custodia y manutención de menores, divorcio, violencia doméstica y asuntos de inquilinos.

Health Law Partnership

Office: 404-785-2005
Fax: 404-705-0010


Children’s at Scottish Rite

975 Johnson Ferry Road, Suite 360
Atlanta, GA 30342-1600


HeLP at Children’s at Egleston

4th Floor
(near butterfly elevators)
1405 Clifton Road
Atlanta, GA 30322-1060

HeLP at Children’s at Hughes Spalding

3rd Floor Annex
35 Jesse Hill Drive
Atlanta, GA 30303

HeLP at Center for Advanced Pediatrics

1400 Tullie Road
Suite 1408
Atlanta, GA 30303

HeLP Legal Services Clinic

GSU College of Law
85 Park Place, Suite 105
Atlanta, GA 30303
Office: 404-413-9130
Fax: 404-413-9145

For written directions, please click here.

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